Realsoft 3D Feature Summary
Intelligent user interface
which adapts to user's workflow.
Fully configurable.
All windows, buttons, menus, hotkeys, etc. can be defined by the user.
Multi-layered structure
which adapts to the skills of the user.
Full drag&drop support
for quick and easy operations.
Familiar tabbed user interface included.
Integrated working environment.
No need to jump between modules or working modes.
Fully utilized pull-down
menus and context-sensitive popup menus for easy navigation.
Compass menus for super
fast access to program tools by 'muscle learning'.
100 % modeless design
- no blocking dialogs or windows.
Multi-threading architecture
for maximal interactivity. Time-consuming tasks are performed by asynchronous
Includes a consistent
and general 'power tool' set which does not limit the user.
All tools and features
are compatible - views can be navigated while a tool is being used, animation
paths can be edited while playing the animation etc.
Info window provides
continuously updated guidelines for the current operation.
A context sensitive help system links all program tools and other user interface elements into the reference manual.
Tip of the day database.
Object handles for easy
and accurate mouse transformations in object space.
Powerful and general
transformation tools for manipulations in arbitrary orientations: move,
rotate, scale, shear, mirror.
Freeform deformation
tools: circular bending, bending by projection to or distance from an axis
or point, several bending shape envelopes available such as parabola, noise,
hemisphere, bell, etc.
- A magnet tool allows intuitive surface manipulation.
Object space management tools: normalize transformation components, reset object space etc.
Tool for surface displacement defined by bitmap image.
Freeform deformation
lattices using an arbitrary curve/surface or a special-purpose 3D lattice
Collision deformation
integrated with modify tools: move a mesh against a sphere to make a bump
on it.
Advanced instancing - instances can be point edited.
Procedural creation of object copies or instances with symmetric displacement/rotation.
Point group object.
Tube tool for procedural creation of circular tube.
Lathe tool creates efficient analytic shapes.
- A powerful building construction toolkit automates laborious modeling steps of buildings. The constructed model is fully parametric -
any feature such as wall position, roof angle etc. can be changed afterwards. The whole building reconstructs automatically.
Advanced modeling system for plants, trees and other fractal shapes. Constructed models are parametric and thus efficient to render.
- Parametric modeling toolkit for creating scalable objects such as kitchen cabinets, windows and doors.
- Handle/object selection painting tools
- Soft selections
Full featured macro
system: macros can be recorded from GUI actions and they can be connected
to hotkeys, buttons, menus or other GUI elements.
Powerful snap tools
including box/lasso/nearest point selector.
Snapping to user defined
averages of existing points.
- Snap to curve.
Coordinate locking in object/world/view space.
All snap/lock modifiers can be combined.
Support for unlimited
number of predefined and user defined grids supporting color cycling option
and automatic drawing-density clipping.
Context sensitive numeric input for accurate modeling.
- Interactive position, length, angle, area and volume measuring objects can be added to the scene. Measures update in real time and display
the desired dimension / parameter of the scene. Measuring objects can be made visible also in photorealsitic rendering.
Expression and formula evaluation built into the numeric input system.
The measuring system supports meters, centimeters, millimeters, inches, and feet.
Cartesian and polar coordinates.
Perspective/parallel projections.
Perspective editing using arbitrary mouse coordinate input planes or object handles.
Mouse coordinate input by user defined input planes, to snapped 3D points, or to underlying surfaces.
Versatile tools for input plane management: input plane objects for storing predefined orientations,
match to view orientation, match to object orientation, match to surface
tangent, match three points, etc.
Extensive set of visual
orientation guiding options: auto-clipped ground plane, scale dependent/independent
coordinate system, grid origin, focal point of view.
Real-time view backdrop images for modeling aid.
User-definable clipping range (near and far distance)
Easy and comprehensive
view navigation: view specific 'native' spaces which can be easily redefined
as suitable, predefined front-back-left-right-top-bottom views, auto focus,
clip range focus, several zoom in/out tools, two-directional matching to
object geometry (e.g. camera/spotlight view), interactive pan/zoom/rotate/bank
by mouse, control buttons or numerically, camera tracking, multiple cameras.
- Flight simulator style navigation controls.
Single-, tri-, quad-
or arbitrary n-viewport combinations supported.
The best available hierarchical
scene data construction and management system supporting drag&drop.
Support for JavaScript.
Undo/Redo with unlimited
Unlimited number of objects, points, light sources, materials per object, windows etc.
NURBS modeling
Freely adjustable degree
for NURBS curves and surfaces: polygonal, cubic, or higher order.
NURBS curve creation
by control points, knot points or by freehand drawing.
Comprehensive point
and curve selection tools: add/subtract/intersection/xor selection modifiers,
lasso/box/single point selector.
Full featured curve/surface
manipulation tools: add/delete point/curve, concatenate, degree elevation/reduction,
point weight control, add sharp point/curve, break on point/curve, swap
direction, open/close.
User definable parametrization
of curves/surfaces: uniform, chord length, Bezier, centripetal, custom.
Trim curve tools: interactive
drawing on surface, point editing of trim curves, creation by 3D curve
projection, Booleans of trim curves.
Automatic fillet tool with rounding.
Surface welding tool.
Curve extrusion with option to bevel or round edges.
Orthogonal and coplanar sweep.
- Bi-rail sweeping.
Rotation about straight/curved axis with an optional radius modifier curve.
Cross-section defined surfaces.
Font tool for extracting Truetype font curves.
All surface building tools support construction history for easy editing.
Collection of predefined geometry available ( cube, cylinder, cone, sphere, etc.).
Conversion to/from subdivision surfaces or triangles.
Advanced bitmap vectorization to NURBS curves.
Subdivision surface modeling
Unlimited amount of points/face.
Edge/point creases for sharp edges/points.
Rational SDS surfaces included, featuring freely adjustable point weights.
Edge rounding attribute for exact rounding radius.
Option to render as control polygon, using triangle tessellation or as NURBS surfaces.
Powerful editing via point/edge/face handles. All frequently needed actions available via handles
and key modifiers.
Comprehensive editing
tool set: subdivide faces to triangles/rectangles, spit edges/faces, extrude
selected faces/edges/points separately or as a connected region, bevel
edges/points/faces, add/delete faces/edges/points, melt faces/points/edges
together, subdivide locally/globally, tunnel faces, disconnect face from
other geometry, connect two SDS objects, face/edge/point hide/show, auto-merge
triangles to rectangles, etc.
Unlimited number of data channels (such as UV coordinates)/vertex.
Plenty of predefined SDS shapes included.
Conversion from/to NURBS patches (for IGES exporting purposes, for example).
SDS tool set can be used for polygonal modeling.
Solid modeling
Analytic non-faceted
primitives included, offering efficient models and fast high quality rendering.
Procedural Boolean operations
with easily editable construction history.
Boolean operations can
be easily animated (drilling, cutting, etc.).
Boundary surface defined solids.
All objects (including
NURBS, SDS and metaball) can be used in Boolean operations.
Paint option for Booleans
defines surface attributes for cut area.
Spherical and elliptic metaballs supported.
Selectable density field degree from constant field to smoothly increasing cubic field.
Inverted (negative) metaballs.
Material defined density fields.
- Thanks to procedural rendering option, it is possible to model complex metaball systems (millions of metaballs)
and render them efficiently with a perfect quality.
- Particles can be used as metaballs.
Conversion tool to SDS form allows rough model construction using metaballs and detail editing
later in SDS form.
1D, 2D and 3D particles
Full control over particle
geometry such as radius, diameter, length, etc.
Rendering using scanline or post processing (=raster) effects such as lens flare.
Particle geometry is
separated from rendering appearance. The user can map materials and/or
effects to particles to achieve infinitely many variations.
Unlimited amount of properties/particle geometry item.
Construction using point/curve
pen, 2D/3D airbrush, surface painting or distribution on target surfaces.
Material system is based
on the powerful Visual Shading Language, which provides the end user with
power equal to programming languages, while also remaining extremely easy
to use. Simply drag&drop new VSL elements to a material and select
from a channel list what property to modify.
A library of predefined VSL materials included.
Layered interface: existing
materials can be combined and edited easily. Advanced users can produce
unique effects using VSL.
Real-time material previewing
system with customizable test scenes and network rendering support.
Material library management tools.
Material assignment
to geometry objects using easy and quick drag&drop or using the mapping
tools which provide full control.
Several pre-built material
mapping methods: parallel, cylinder, cube, pyramid, spherical, disk, camera, uv
and mesh mapping along parent surface. Mesh mapping geometry can be edited
freely in parent space.
Intelligent roll mapping for automatic and easy tiled texturing of multiple planar surfaces.
A real power feature for architectural modeling.
- Easy automatic and advanced user-defined material fades/gradients.
All material mapping
objects are geometric primitives, which can be edited exactly the same
way as regular objects. There is no additional tool set for this purpose,
making the program easier to learn.
The user can totally
control and customize mapping coordinates using VSL.
Brilliancy mapping,
transparency mapping, clip mapping, alpha mapping, glow mapping, etc. included
- the list is infinitely long because of the open VSL architecture.
Rendering time displacement mapping modifies surfaces during the actual ray tracing.
Millions of fine details can be added to objects using it.
- The 64-bit rendering channel technology of Realsoft 3D suits perfectly HDRI mapping
and other similar state-of-art rendering techniques.
Unlimited number of
'material properties' available via the revolutionary dynamic channel system.
Unlimited amount of different procedural texture and bump maps can be created easily using VSL.
Volumetric materials.
Full control of volumetric
lighting effects using VSL.
Advanced alpha channel effects.
- Fading effects.
Full control over material
blending, layering, averaging, faded material gradients, etc.
Built-in texture/material antialiasing feature works also with procedural textures.
Full featured texture/bump
mapping tools: tiling, flipping, gradients with a desired order of interpolation,
support for animated image sequences and avi files, etc.
Environment mapped reflections.
UV editor for exact placing of UV mapped textures.
Hundreds of photographed high-quality, seamlessly tiling textures included.
The end user can define
a compact and efficient top-level interface for VSL materials.
Large collection of
powerful VSL objects included: constant property, linear transformation,
Perlin noise, cell noise, image texture map, image bump map, random, level
(block), conditional, NURBS transformation, specular illumination, copy,
wave, mathematical operations, variables, etc.
Real-time 3D painting system.
- Color picker tool.
Conversion of procedural materials to an UV map.
Projection tool which
paints a textured surface to a UV map of another underlying surface.
Material properties
can be assigned directly to geometry points using numeric controls of the
property window or with the vertex painting tool.
64-bit ray tracing technology which produces superior image quality.
Combined ray tracing,
scanline rendering and raster rendering for post processing effects.
Physically correct motion
blur works with camera motion, shadows, reflections, post effects etc.
Field rendering, with
a full control over odd/even field order and automatic interlacing.
- Depth of field.
Powerful glow control system.
Lens flare, photographic glow, blur, edge detection and other post processing effects.
- Support for unlimited number of image buffers and image rescaling in post processing.
- User-defined post processing by VSL.
Ray trace buffering for quick experimenting with post effects.
Scanline rendering of particles and NURBS curves for hairs, fur, dust, etc.
Outline and cartoon style rendering; option to blend with shaded rendering with full control
using VSL.
Rendering tools for advanced caustics effects. Multi-wavelenght ray tracing is possible, and pheneomena such
as light spectrum from a prism can be simulated.
Customizable Global Illumination system for indirect illumination effects.
Illumination baking: direct and indirect illumination can be evaluated into texture maps.
Multiple (animated or constant) backdrop objects for foreground, background and unlimited amount
of 'in-between' layers.
Backdrop objects take Z-buffer, reflectivity, transparency, alpha, etc. information into account.
Tools for true 3D composition,
including extensive alpha channel, Z-buffer and G-buffer support.
Matte objects, matte shadows, matte reflections, etc.
Advanced camera system including flashlight, film sensitivity, safe region, tracking, overscan,
vertical film option etc. controls.
Support for multi-processor hardware.
Distributed cross-platform network rendering based on the standard TCP/IP protocol.
Distributed rendering via the Internet.
Distributed rendering can be used in all rendering, including single images and material previews.
Rendering management tools for automatic rendering of multiple projects.
Adaptive and intelligent anti-aliasing system with an option to use stochastic or geometric sampling.
Volumetric lighting, volumetric shadows, gas, fog, plasma effects.
A special atmosphere object available for definition of infinite volumes.
- Double/multi refractions.
High-quality blurred reflections/refractions.
Quick low color dithering for screen previews as well as floating point accurate dithering for high-quality
The rendering process can be customized totally using VSL - unique effects and rendering styles
can be defined.
Dynamic channel system:
unlimited number of data channels can be attached to scene objects and
materials and processed for custom effects in the rendering engine.
All channels can be
saved to any of the available file formats or their combinations for later
use in post processing, compositing, etc.
Light sources
Point lights with adjustable size.
Spot lights with adjustable edge fading and an option to show a visible beam.
Distant lights.
Ambient lights.
Negative lights.
Any surface can be used as a multi-colored area light.
Full control over shadow casting per light source.
Smooth shadows by stochastic adaptive sampling.
- Shadow mapping for quick smooth shadows.
- Support for indirect illumination.
Several falloff types
available: constant, per distance, per distance squared, local, user defined.
Unlimited amount of
light properties available by the dynamic channel system: infrared lighting,
xray, etc. custom effects can be created.
Light properties can
be defined using VSL, for example a texture mapped slide projector or an
arbitrary volumetric ambient light distribution.
Easy to use key frame animation interface.
All properties of all
objects can be animated.
Animated properties
can have different amount of keys - this is also true for sub components
such as translate x and y.
Quaternion interpolation
system which produces intuitive rotation interpolation.
Euler angle interpolation as an option.
Animated properties
can be controlled using smooth cubic NURBS curves, linear curves or by
using non-interpolated values.
Easy pivot point control.
Full featured path animation
tools: constant speed paths, several automated banking options (such as
airplane style banking) included, deformation paths, etc.
along a path can be defined using key framing.
Surfaces can be used
as paths - useful, for example, in banking control.
Morphing by key framing deformations and by using key objects.
Easy to use tools for
rotations around an arbitrary axis.
Behavioral animation:
objects can be controlled using plugged in scripting languages.
Key frames and other
animation effects can be defined hierarchically.
Choreography system
which allows weighted blending of multiple animation effects per object.
Animations can be created
by 'teaching' choreography components to objects and combining the components
using the choreography editor.
Choreographs can be
exchanged between objects.
Time line editor for
accurate timing and synchronization control of the defined animation effects.
Event-driven animations.
Any object attribute
can be used as an input for any of the defined animation effects.
Support for all standard
video systems (PAL, NTSC, etc.), time scales (real-time, seconds, frames)
and frame indexing conventions.
Collision detection
based on the true shape of the objects.
Gravity between objects
and in a constant field.
Fluid dynamics system
for air and fluid flow effects.
Fan object for wind,
turbulence, etc.
Procedural object creation
for simulation purposes.
Particle emitters.
Explosions by collision
impact or at a predefined time.
Simulations can be controlled
using the following properties: mass, electric charge, surface friction,
rebound energy, elasticity, rigidity, inertia, center of gravity, velocity,
spin, impact properties, fluid density, fluid velocity, fluid pressure,
fluid friction, flow symmetry, explosion properties, simulation component
state (off/cause/cause+affected), collision accuracy.
Simulations can be converted
to key frame animations.
Skeleton control
Robust hierarchical skeletons.
Three angle constraints/joint
which can be defined by bending the skeleton, by editing angle handles
or numerically.
Efficient skeleton editing
using the included comprehensive set of skeleton handles.
Joint anchors.
Angle locks.
Angle friction and joint
motion friction.
Editing by inverse and
forward kinematics.
Each joint can be animated
by inverse kinematics or using angle interpolation
- Three alternative angle interpolation options: Euler angles for mechanical constructions, Quaternions for
smooth interpolation routes and a new HPT system which eliminates unwanted torsion and skin tension.
Support for native poses.
Skin deformation by
a built-in fidelity attribute or by a user-defined choreography.
Muscle deformations
can be defined easily by key framing the deformation using a bone angle
as the input.
Foot step paths for walking motions.
The same object can
be mapped to several skeletons using weighted multi mapping.
Several objects can
be mapped to the same skeleton.
Automatic weighted multi-mapping
using user-defined mapping volume radius around bones.
Point accurate skeleton
mapping and weight control for fine tuning.
Skeleton mapping weight
can be modified also using the vertex painting tool.
Real time visualization
Each viewport can use
either shaded drawing or wireframe drawing.
Adjustable point density
for curves, curve density in surfaces and tessellation density for shading.
Detailed control for object handle drawing.
Support for near/far
clipping planes helps in editing complex models.
Object/face/point hiding.
Real-time shading via OpenGL.
- Hidden line wireframes and wire/shaded composite drawing.
Real-time reflections using environment maps.
Direct UV textures for
super fast 3D painting and manipulation in OpenGL.
Also multiple procedural
/ blended materials per object can be previewed in OpenGL using desired
Advanced use of transparency
in OpenGL shading for control polygon and object handle visualization.
Other OpenGL features:
anti-aliasing, fog, adjustable line width, display lists, flat shading.
Real-time drawing is
handled using multi-threading - the user interface responds always immediately.
Image formats: jpg, OpenEXR, tif,
bmp, targa, gif, cineon, ppm, iff, Realsoft 3D format with selectable data
type (byte-word-integer-double precision float/channel) and unlimited amount
of channels/file.
Animation files: avi, mpg and flc.
Object geometry formats: .obj, dxf v.12, 3ds, fbx, postscript, Real 3D v.3.
Third party plugins: IGES import/export, VRML export, Adobe illustrator import.
- Tool for saving 2D projections into supported vector formats (ps, dxf).
100 % open interface
provides full control over all program features.
100 % platform independent
Plug-ins integrate seamlessly
to the existing Realsoft 3D interface.
100% object oriented
programming system.
Modular and dynamic
Full localization support.
Windows adapt automatically to the length of the strings and other user
interface components. Even the end user can localize the program.
Plugins can be developed
using the free SDK and the demo version with the standard C/C++ tools.